Lovers & Friends
She was coming towards him, thrilled that he loved her & suddenly out of nowhere came the
cyclone. When it passed, to her he was a ghost. She called the shamans when in his anguish he
reached out and tapped out his desolation on the midnight moon.
cyclone. When it passed, to her he was a ghost. She called the shamans when in his anguish he
reached out and tapped out his desolation on the midnight moon.
She had told her that there had been others before him and they had all been turned into stone and
banished into the basement of a lost museum in Atlantis.
banished into the basement of a lost museum in Atlantis.
Just before the cyclone, he had seen her with her husband’s superior and felt her knees go weak.
Later he heard that she had gone to the island of Lesbos and now no one knew where she was.
She was his friend's wife. She was madly in love with him. He was in love with her.
They were friends. She told her friends he was her boyfriend. They remained friends, her desire
drying out over a long time like a smudging wall in a decade of Calcutta monsoons.
drying out over a long time like a smudging wall in a decade of Calcutta monsoons.
She never got to know why he would suddenly fall back as they plunged into the torrents together.
Why he would never come with her to where they were going. Why he would return from the door.
Why he would never come with her to where they were going. Why he would return from the door.
He would never know why his friend suddenly stopped calling.
Our fingers touch
and the cacophony of the ebbing day
begins to sink into the endless
waters of lost time
and another life rises
amidst the drone of crickets
and trees awake around us
in bird calls and fireflies
and, unnoticed, the sunset
has floated away
and the stars
Our fingers touch
and life is awakened
alert to possibilities
of the foreplay
for more.
Our fingers touch
and in one corner of the horizon
I glimpse the boundless ocean
of a universe of love unasked.
No matter
who or what or when
in love we are always three.
Two mountains & a gorge
I am programmed to plumb gorges
for signs of life.
I avert my eyes
you smile.
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