Astrid Alben

Astrid Alben is a poet, editor and translator. Her most recent collection Ai! Ai! Pianissimo is published by Arc Publications. Her poems, essays, translations and reviews are widely published, including in the Times Literary Supplement, Best of British Poetry Anthology 2015, Oxford Poetry, Poetry Review, The Rialto and Stand. Her poetry has been translated into Romanian, Dutch, Slovenian, Maltese and Chinese. Her next collection, Plainspeak, an alter-ego-thinking-out-louder book, will be ready this year. Alben is a Rijksakademie Fellow and a Wellcome Trust Fellow. She is the Artistic Director of the art and science initiative PARS (, and the co-editor of Findings on Ice, Findings on Elasticity and Findings on Light, published by Lars Müller Publications. To hear her poems, visit or the Granta and BBC Radio 4 Four Thought IPods.