Bethany W. Pope

Bethany W. Pope was named by the Huffington Post “one of the five Expat poets to watch in 2016”. Nicholas Lezard, writing for The Guardian, described her latest collection as ‘poetry as salvation’.... Bethany was born in North Carolina. She has lived in five countries and six American states. She lived in a South Carolina orphanage from the time she was 12 until she was 15. Bethany has an MA in Creative Writing from Trinity, St David’s and a PhD from Aberystwyth University. Bethany has won many literary awards. Her poetry collections include: A Radiance (Cultured Llama, 2012), Crown of Thorns (Oneiros Books, 2013), The Gospel of Flies (Writing Knights Press, 2014), Undisturbed Circles (Lapwing, 2014) , The Rag and Boneyard (Indigo Dreams 2016), and Silage (Indigo Dreams, 2017). Her first novel, Masque, was published by Seren in 2016.