Claudiu Komartin

Claudiu Komartin published PăpuÈ™arul È™i alte insomnii (The Puppeteer and Other Insomnia) in 2003. He wrote the essay/manifesto, "GeneraÈ›ia 2000 — o introducere” ("The 2000 Generation: An Introduction”, 2005). In the same year, he published Circul Domestic (Domestic Circus), which was awarded with the Romanian Academy Poetry Prize. He has published four more poetry books, most recently — MaeÈ™trii unei arte muribunde. Poeme 2010-2017 (Masters of a Dying Art. Poems 2010-2017), 2017, 2018. His work has been translated and published into German (Und wir werden die Maschinen für uns weinen lassen, 2012), Serbian (Vrpce potaman za balu mesa, 2015), Turkish (Bir Garip Roman, 2015) and Bulgarian (кобалт, 2017). He lives and works in Bucharest.