
Dana Miller

Dana Miller is a wicked wordsmith, giggling provocateuse, and mega-melomaniac from Atlanta, Georgia. Her poetic syllables like to trundle in the wilds — usually in search of a smackerel or two. On their way, they have found themselves featured in Postscript Magazine, Better Than Starbucks, Fairy Piece, FERAL: A Journal of Poetry and Art, Sledgehammer Lit, ChillFiltr Review, Small Leaf Press, The Avenue, Tofu Ink Press, and Nauseated Drive. Her first full-length book of poetry entitled Never Née Fey is currently out on Finishing Line Press and her second is slated for a Winter 2024 release by Dancing Girl Press. Dana’s journalistic works have found their faces in places like L.A. Weekly, OK Magazine, Grazia, Maxim, Women’s World, and International Business Times. When not wielding a lethal pen, Dana adores surf culture, Australian grunge rockers, muscle cars, Epiphone guitars, glitter, Doc Martens, and medieval-looking draft horses with feathered feet. Oxford, England is her spirit-home and Radiohead is holding the last shard of her girlhood heart.