Luis H. Francia

Luis H. Francia’s poetry books include Tattered Boat, The Beauty of Ghosts, Museum of Absences, and The Arctic Archipelago and Other Poems. He is a Palanca Prize winner in poetry, the Philippines’ most prestigious literary awards body. His memoir, Eye of the Fish: A Personal Archipelago won both the 2002 New York’s PEN Open Book and the Asian American Writers literary awards. In 2016, his RE:Recollections Reviews, Reflections (2015), was awarded Manila’s National Book Award for Best Essays in English. He is included in the Library of America’s Becoming Americans: Four Centuries of Immigrant Writing. Included in numerous anthologies, he has taught at the City University of Hong Kong, Ateneo de Manila University, Yale, and the Iowa Writers Summer Workshop. A member of the New York Writers Workshop, he is on faculty at New York University. These poems are from a new collection, Thorn Grass.