Mallika Bhaumik

Mallika Bhaumik was a nominee for the Pushcart Prize for Poetry in the year 2019. Her poetry, short stories, essays, articles, travelogue, interview have been published in various e-mags and journals like Cafe Dissensus, Guftugu Journal, Grey Sparrow Journal, Shot Glass Journal, Mad Swirl, Madras Courier, The Alipore Post, RIC Journal, Kitaab, Dhaka Tribune, OutlookIndia, Voice and Verse, to name a few. The transliterated version of her essay, ‘Of Mahalaya, memories and moksha,’ originally published in The Chakkar came out in the Bengali daily Ei Samay in October 2022. She has received the Reuel International prize for her debut poetry book, Echoes,(2017) published by Authorspress (New Delhi). Her second book of poems, How not to remember has been published by Hawakal Publishers(2019). Her poems are part of the Post Graduate syllabus (English Dept) by BBMK University, Dhanbad. She lives and writes from Kolkata (India).