Margarita Serafimova

Margarita Serafimova has published two collections of poetry in the Bulgarian, Animals and Other Gods (2016) and Demons and World (2017). In English, pieces of hers are forthcoming in Agenda, Minor Literatures, Trafika Europe, The Journal, Obra/ Artifact, Ink, Sweat and Tears, Futures Trading, The Birds We Piled Loosely, Ginosko Journal, and appear in London Grip New Poetry, A-Minor Magazine, Noble/ Gas Quarterly, Dark Matter Journal, Window Quarterly/ Patient Sounds, Peacock Journal, Anti-Heroin Chic, In Between Hangovers, Mocking Heart Review, Renegade Rant and Rave, Tales From The Forest, Misty Mountain Review, Outsider Poetry, Heavy Athletics, The Voices Project, Cent Magazine.