Mustansir Dalvi

Mustansir Dalvi (1964, Bombay) is a poet, translator and editor. He has three books of poems — Brouhahas of Cocks (Poetrywala, 2013), Cosmopolitician (Poetrywala, 2018) and Walk (Yavanika Press, 2020). His poems have been translated into French, Croatian and Marathi and Gujarati. His translation of Muhammad Iqbal’s Shikwa and Jawaab-e-Shikwa from the Urdu as Taking Issue and Allah’s Answer (Penguin Classics, 2012) has been called ‘insolent and heretical’. He is the editor of Man without a Navel, a collection of translations of Hemant Divate’s poems from the Marathi. He was born in Bombay. He teaches architecture in Mumbai.