Neera Kashyap

Neera Kashyap has worked in the field of social and health communications. She has published a book for young adults, Daring to Dream (Rupa & Co.) and contributed to several prize-winning anthologies for children. Her work as a writer of short stories, poetry (including haikai), book reviews and essays has appeared in several international literary journals and poetry anthologies. Her poetry has been published in journals in the US, UK, Europe and Singapore. In India, the journals include RIC Journal, Narrow Road, The Wise Owl, Teesta Review, Outlook India, Rhetorica Quarterly, Yugen Quest Review, The Punch Magazine & Indian Cultural Forum. The UK anthologies include Poetica 1 & 2 (Clarendon Press) & themed haikai anthologies from Bloo Outlier; The US anthologies include The Kali Project (Indie Blue), The Hunger Anthology (Transcendent Zero Press) & Voices within (Setu Mag). The Indian anthologies include Hibiscus, Shimmer Spring, The Well Earned poems & Amity (Hawakal): Freedom Raga & The New Normal (Exceller); The shape of a poem (Red River), Home (The Brown Critique); Poetry Unites (The Write order); Durga the Invincible (Authors Press); Souvenirs of best Indian Poetry in English of 2021(CynFynEnliven Publishers). She lives in Delhi.