Siddharth Dasgupta

Siddharth Dasgupta writes poetry and fiction from lost hometowns. His fourth book — A Moveable East — arrived in early ’21. A fifth book and third collection of poetry — All These Streets We've Known By Heart — emerged in October '22 via the independent publisher Red River. Siddharth’s literature has appeared or is forthcoming in Prairie Schooner, Prairie Fire, Epiphany, Rogue Agent, Lunch Ticket, Kyoto Journal, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. He has read in cities like Bombay, Lucknow, Mandalay, Galle, Paris, Istanbul, and Dubai. Siddharth serves as Editor, Visual Narratives with The Bombay Literary Magazine, but calls the city of Poona home. You’ll find the writer on Instagram @citizen.bliss |