Sonnet Mondal

Sonnet Mondal is an Indian poet, editor, and author of An Afternoon in My Mind (Copper Coin 2022), Karmic Chanting (Copper Coin 2018), Ink and Line (Dhauli Books 2018) and five other books of poetry. He has read at literary festivals in U.S.A., Macedonia, Ireland, Madagascar, Turkey, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka, Germany, Italy, Ukraine, Hungary, and Slovakia, among others. He was awarded the Gayatri Gamarsh Memorial Award for literary excellence in 2016 and his recent works have appeared in Singing in the Dark (Penguin Random House), Poetry at Sangam anthology (Speaking Tiger Books), Harper’s Bazaar, Poetry Salzburg Review, Stand Magazine, Mascara Literary Review, and Virginia Quarterly Review etc. Mondal was one of the authors of the Silk Routes project of the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa from 2014 to 2016. Founder director of Chair Poetry Evenings — Kolkata’s International Poetry Festival — Mondal edits the Indian section of Lyrikline (Haus für Poesie, Berlin) and serves as managing editor of Verseville. He has been a guest editor for Words Without Borders, New York, and Poetry at Sangam, India. His works have been translated into Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, Turkish, Slovak, Macedonian, French, Russian, Ukrainian, Slovenian, Hungarian, and Arabic.