Tudor Crețu

Tudor CreÈ›u (b.1980), is writer and manager of the "Sorin Titel" TimiÈ™ County Library. He writes prose, poetry, literary criticism. He organises cultural events: the International Festival LitVest (six editions so far), the Phototeque of the County Library, StudioText (video-criticism), etc. POETRY: Dantelăriile Adelei [Adela’s Lacery], Mirton, 2001; Obiectele oranj [The Orange Objects], Vinea, 2005. Fragmente continue. Poeme live [Continuous Fragments. Live Poems], Printpress, 2014. The Poetry Book of the Year award of the Romanian Writers` Union, the Banat branch. studio live, an anthology, Printpress, 2015. FICTION: Omul negru [The Bogeyman], Cartea românească, 2008. Casete martor [Witness Tapes], Tracus Arte, 2013. The book earned the author a nomination as the Young Prose Writer of the Year, at the Romanian Young Authors` Gala and the Ioan Slavici Prize, awarded by the Romanian Writers` Union, the Banat branch. S...(Casete martor II) [S… Witness Tapes II], Tracus Arte, 2015. CRITICISM: Developări literare [Literary Developments], Editura Universității de Vest, 2010. DIARIES: Jurnal fantasmatic [Phantom Diary], Paralela 45, 2016.