
Fiery-Tongued Serpent and other poems

Fiery-Tongued Serpent and other poems
Poems on Australian bush fire, migrant workers who walked long miles during lockdown to reach their villages, about man’s revelation on his relation with nature and on rural women’s struggle to carry water in some parts of India

Fiery-Tongued Serpent

a fiery tongued  serpent
straddled bush 
leading grass blades bleed Styx.

wavy medusa’s hair
hit eternal rocky shores 
to sharpen tongues and
anchors tied ships to blazing fins in 
dried river beds.

holocaust hushed up household 
these  crows returned to roosting
in gas chambers.

south sea’s 
democratic debate with winds
permitted red wood trees 
to abandon  nest,
and the autumn leaf
fell to the ground

After The Fire

this faint sound of meteor touches
leafy ends to measure the strength of twig. 

bolt from a wing stands affront valleys, hills, and footprints, 
watching immortal seasons return to primordial origin 
many number of zodiac cattle  start
constellating at the ends of sky. 

the forest concert hall listens
to  empty green chords and the crescendo forms
a dark symphony over loud ashes
the morning after the Fire, 
lamp of sky brings down  a breaking cloud 
to be worn by  river’s body
and this phoenix here still dreams 
of new wings drawn over 
old hunger.  

Carrying Life luggage Along…

This blazing tar pulled you
into its center. 

Your sun filled eyes knew the craft of
weaving a tale of woe
that was heard by none
but this reluctant metro.

Holding onto symmetrical tracks that
move into zigzagged future, 
you scripted hunger on crossroads of
light and shadow in
an abstract angle.

Taking life luggage along, 
you entered the wheel  that
churned hours and many minutes, 
but the journey ended in the 

your footsteps sinking in
sands of time,
speak secret stories
for a short while,
I know you can only return
looking for 
the lost dreams sculpted on
bricks and blocks of
this locked city.

Green Tide Future…

I walk on mountain along Sisyphus 
pushing up minutes to the tip of hill,
a burden on each of us 
visible on him but not on me…

This seagull here keeps following 
unto mountain cliff 
perhaps cautioning me 
to know 
what I carry in head is heavier
than the boulder 
that my comrade has on shoulder…

Then this vision flashing on dimensions
of my past and present, 
is a green tide future 
and the weight of thought I now release
is the desire for more…

For Water 

I carry a slice of river
on head
as bottoms of pails
run salty 
trickles to burrowed grooves on
indignant hull,
a forehead of sweat beads 
looks strait into 
stagnant time and my shadow races up 
on the rising miles
ahead of me, 
as sun
drowns in my  footsteps, I reach 
my eyes
raining amazon forest.

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