Be My..
Be my sanctuary
I surrender unto you
Everything I have
Everything I know..
Be my summer sky
I will melt into your warmth
I’d be for you ever
Be my deep blue ocean
I will disappear in your colour
I reunite into your depths
Be my cool zephyr
I float into you like sweet memory
I breathe you in, till eternity
Be my song and dream-
I write the meaning of my life
As we walk through the realms of time
My love started small
as a hushed fresh water tidal river
the waves started to ebb and flow..
Gurgling in big huge excited voices
Large estuaries formed
to send robust echoes
to your receiving heart
fecund and fruitful
My vulnerabilities vanished
in the brilliance of our union
You became my love’s armor
in the fight with the world
Now I am on a giant leap
Let’s celebrate together
the heights and depths
of the cascades of our love
These poems were part of The Poetry Issue 2023, curated by Shireen Quadri. © The Punch Magazine. No part of these should be reproduced anywhere without the prior permission of The Punch Magazine.
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