Gynoids in Making
Butler says bodies matter. Over it are written the codes of diktats-
From how the strands of hair must fall to toe-rings in feet, covered legs
fully hizabing them. Choose the one with small feet, wear brass coil for
a sleek neck, send them to fattening camps, the savage gavage, for
voluptuous bodies bring better grooms, marry them off to a deity then
auction her virginity. Or better reduce their libido and carry a Khatna.
From cutting fingers, ironing breasts, to closing the v-passage. Our bodies
are conditioned for the agony, the rituals are perpetually etched to hang
our pep and moxie in a mortar mix of guilt and shame.
Be modest, walk modest, sit modest, speak modest, modesty is the
shibboleth for your nourishment. One size fits all, hair evenly
tapered, your hair should not ask for attention. And the make-up,
it's inviting highly suggestive, anti-modest, anti-civilizational, it
sows dissension, rides you on the path of self-rule, to paint your
body as you please, woman, you are not even free linguistically:
look at carte blanche: unconditional discretion vs mistress to a man.
Absolute authority over bodies is too much to ask for. Productivity is
hampered if we get into Science labs or STEM subjects.
Destroy the lingo, redo the register, shift the jargon, alter the proverb,
rephrase the cuss, because we still haven't got it equal!
To all missed opportunities, lack of diversities, unconducive environments
To offers unaccepted, proposals passed on, and choices deceased, another birth
awaits to grumble and growl. A far cry from the ceilings, closeted living,
trembling hearts, choked windpipes and gaged tongues, earful walls asking to
stone the sky, and hammer into the glass roof for a blameless walk over the heavens.
The ontology of loss is beyond the grasp of time and space. Loss is never really a loss, it is
like a follicle entrapped in the intricate and circuitous world of memory. If the follicle is not
plucked, this seed will turn into a tree, respiring melancholy into a thousand splinters of joy,
laughter, sharing togetherness, teasing and irritating, pulling down each other's hair; all lie
scattered on the floor. Paring down the pain of parting, I shred and trim the sharpness of the
acidulous words, carve the slouchy deceit, rejoin the odds and ends of the leftover with a gold
tint of hope, powdered with the gleaming twinkles of vivid dreams. Keeping the cracks and
fractures of our bond, I refine this damage with an epoxy coating and lacquered desire to be
on my own.
I mend the sherds of memory with
the silver lining of verse
The erratic meanderings of this line lead to the next
marking and set off like the destiny of the lovers
with her, away from her, without her, into her,
that serrated geometric configuration which
sends up dizziness in the spine. Like swift
and sharp jabbing by the Doctor with
anaesthesia, your stupor puts the chatter
of the brain into a coma-like state.
be like a snake-plant, on the porch of American Gothic,
thick upright, leaves stand and gaze with blank wonder.
like Mother-in law's tongue, vermin-like
Or take only a little space as any ideal floor plant.
just seek out the sol to be bright, but it should
be indirect, just the right amount.
stay in the dark corner and you will just be fine
even the State was once a mandala.
the abode of the deity. The other day, these words, came
to me and said let us be free and find a new wizard, maybe
on a new couch, spiral-shaped with a new gravity.
Footloose and fancy-free, battered in the crowd-crush
of the word galaxy. Once they fly away there is no
looking back, they migrate into another heart. How does
a storm begin in the sea? One stone in the water and
the mandala ripples. Memory fades but its trauma remains
like broken, pixelated images. Creeping in like the snake
whispers into Eve. Memories revive, the whole cycle repeats
revenge becomes a sweet pain and shrieks a sweet sadness.
The pattern becomes cryptic, and energy therapeutic.
. . .
Pareidolia. In the third eye, I squeeze my assiduities into
a new world, constellated colors sprawling and rolling out
of stellar remnants.
Genealogy of Pain
Pain is like a fallen morsel
of a sweet pudding,
Tears come after it
like an unwanted trail
of ants
on a numbing
Sunday afternoon.
Don’t kill the ants
don’t wipe the tears
Let them take that piece
of food, it might be
all they have.
Pain is all
the tears have.
Learn the taste
of its salt,
develop it until
your system gets
used to it,
then there is no
looking back.
Salt makes you
sturdy. You can
face any challenge
in life. The reward
of removing it
would be
a little less
But life without
pain would be bland
and deluding, as a
crumbled leaf, which
leaves its family tree.
If you are not
vigilant stepping over
that leaf which sighs
its last gasp
then why
should you be
treated humanely,
Pain demands
a circle of
what you give
comes back.
The day you obliged
the trickeries and frame-ups
endorsed their perjury
shouldered their lies
pillared their cock and bull story
was the day you ripped
us apart, like the gun-shot
once it leaves the barrel
there is no going back
it tore and injured the
anatomy of our marriage
the ribs of trust, the spleen
of unspoken assumptions,
for betrayal, like a bullet not
just pierces the faith, it
shatters the sturdy bones
of vows, the leaned limps
of intimacy.
lashing down
My drink fills
. . .
You appeared as
the petrichor, after
a long period of dry
gust, layers of insipid
care withers, soaking
me in inundation.
. . . in a rut
I embrace the hope
Judas Kiss.
Traveling across miles, crossing oceans, my excitement knew no bounds as I landed on the
soil of the States, from one airport to another from airbus to narrow-body aircraft, Boeing to
the feeder-liner. As I stepped out to reach my pro tem shelter I was stuck by the frightful
mayhem of silence, a stench of dull indifference, brazen chutzpah of frigid and frost hearts
everywhere within my ambit. A glorious light of kindness appeared with its nimbus halo and
took over me. She offered me benevolence, food of mercy, a haven of camaraderie. Drinking
from the cup of kindness, I learn to swallow pride, be unprejudiced, and embrace.
kissing bugs
I keep away from
muzzling them
These poems were part of The Poetry Issue 2023, curated by Shireen Quadri. © The Punch Magazine. No part of these should be reproduced anywhere without the prior permission of The Punch Magazine.
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