Poet’s Note: Writing poetry may be one of the finest creative acts, but you don’t do it the way you carve a statue or make a painting. As we can’t say what happens with the rain, we have no idea why words that are the building blocks of poems pour sometimes and stop at others. After having published three academic books and spending thirteen years at Delhi University as a Political Science lecturer, I never thought I would become a poet. Living in America for many years, one day, I found myself composing a poem in Hindi, a language I had never studied in school or college. At first, it was a drizzle or a sprinkle, but then very soon, it became a downpour, a thunderstorm, or a deluge. Words were falling into my lap, praying, take me, blend me, make something of me. This period lasted for at least four years. The result was ‘Ru b Ru,’ my first poetry collection in Hindi, released in 2012. Then for the reason that I am unaware of, I was hit by a drought. The epidemic broke the spell, a global tragedy that forced all of us to hide in our narrow shells. In the obscurity of those days, words returned, but they were not focused on gloom and doom. When I put them together, they delineated portraits of nature, sunshine and shadows, buoyant clouds, tree-lined pathways, and things that make our lives enjoyable. I am collecting these poems for my second poetry collection, which I plan to publish in the summer of 2023. The five poems you read here have been translated from the original Hindi for The Punch Magazine’s poetry issue.
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The Melody of Silence
Magical eyes that are longing to see and
feel the unconditional love’s pathos
encounter the imagery of white flowers blooming at night —
concealed seeds of the sprouting love
burden the orbit of passion’s intensity
The melody of silence continues to unfold
The tree of wisdom is flowering and
the seed of silence has made
the tree’s purple branches to dance
in between their silver-colored leaves
that appear as mystical slices
lost in a lyrical movement
The melody of silence continues to unfold
Amid silent whisperings,
ultimate meanings of truth
are opening up like the desert
that blooms in an instant —
In the assembly of the night,
the branches of leafy trees are veiled
in soothing moonlight
The melody of silence continues to unfold
The sweetness of peace that surrounds
is raining enchantment —
Flowers bloom and they spread their fragrance,
waves of musical notes make a pleasant sound —
When the stream swells, an artist is born and
the harmony of life starts to drizzle in tiny droplets
The melody of silence continues to unfold
A Knock at The Door
The long-awaited guest has arrived
And pollen, transported by the wind,
is ecstatic about the union
Half-closed, half open
attracting bees to lovemaking,
every part of the body feeling intoxicated
And the peaceful ripples on the river’s blue water
are noisily showing colors of the rainbow
Waves that were weak gained force and
they pushed the boat to its shore
The lover arrived at beloved’s door
The tenderhearted and stilled branches spread
a net of fragrance around
Memories arose ecstatically embellishing the courtyard
of my inner being
Dancing and merrymaking I moved the sky
while keeping my veil in place
Sunshine and Shadows
When from the silvery peaks
Sunshine opens its narcissus-like eyes
From the golden courtyard
Life peeps in with fullness
There is a delicate movement
There is an activity with an aurous flavor
In each particle resides life-giving energy
Threads of silk and gold
Stable sunshine all around
Lullabies that add color
A moment filled with an abundant smile
Sprayers releasing an array of colors
A flower, a butterfly, a moth, and a fountain
Leaves on the branch after branch
Weaving flowery garments
Sunshine walking with its tiny feet
Wearing golden anklets
Going on its path
Well-known pathways
Soothing shadows of the valleys
Life is slow and sluggish
Blue lips and dark feet
The body is withering
Alleys where no one lives
Life shrinking
Close to the warmth of dreams
Life is shivering
Who knows when amber sunshine
Will find its way to these pathways
Lamps will light up
And life starts its voyage
Sunshine walking delicately
To make a home for the shadows
To light the lamps of blissful ecstasy
We are driven by craziness.
Desiring shadows
of long tresses sometimes
And sometimes we strive for
The soothing comfort of the motherly love
Sunshine and shadows — a mystical play
Always a peerless union
Those eyes
I think I’ve seen them for the first time
Holding mysteries in bottomless depths
You can go on diving
On her face
Footprints of time
Each moment, each hour of the day
Leaving a unique mark
Lines on her forehead
Waves leaping
Hiding sagacity
An innocent smile
Like a fountain erupts during the heat of the day
Like spring’s arrival in the desert
Like commotion in the ocean
When I looked at the sea
And her astonishing heart
Filled with unbounded love
I find an icon of oblation
Her memory surfaces
A Poem
Inside the red lamp of the dawn
Prolonged shadows of the evening
In the unfathomable heap of darkness
Beyond the mythic mountain where the sun sets
A void is sobbing and gasping
Looking like a zero, having no substance
Ripped apart and flying
Limitless words are scattering
Even more rootless than our breaths
Intoxicatingly sweet sounds
Lifeless, wordless, awake
But impatient
Ready to become an appealing melody
Someone should own these words
Capture them with the tip of a pen
Fill them with any color
Scribe them on a clean sheet
There is an echo in the void
Like the embellishment of a page
The nameless should have a name
It should have a face and an identity
A poem that is alive and filled with meaning
Give it a goblet of immortality
These poems were part of The Poetry Issue 2023, curated by Shireen Quadri. © The Punch Magazine. No part of these should be reproduced anywhere without the prior permission of The Punch Magazine.
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